Terms & Conditions

– Seasonal membership is valid from 1st August of the current year thru 31st July of the following year.

– In order to participate in sanctioned rugby activities, training, and games (including tournaments), a participant must be considered a member in good standing, all fees must be paid and registered with Rugby Canada, BC Rugby Union, and Twilighter Rugby Club.

– Registered participants participating in sanctioned rugby activities, training, and games, fall within the scope of Rugby Canada’s National Insurance Program.

– All Registrations include Rugby Canada’s National Insurance Program

Twilighter Rugby Club Membership Categories

$384.55 – Full Team Membership (league games, exhibitions, tournaments) Club Dues + Insurance
$284.55 – Practice Only Membership (Contact & non-contact practices) Club Dues + Insurance
$270.00 – 77 years+ (born 1947 or later) Playing Membership Includes Club Dues + Insurance
$220.00 – 77 years+ Practice Only Membership Includes Club Dues + Insurance
$50.00 – Social membership (see description below)

* Lifetime members, as such pay no Twilighter Rugby Club fees
** All membership categories (except Lifetime members) include a Reverse Draw voucher ($50 value)
*** All membership categories (except Social members) include Rugby Canada National Insurance

SOCIAL DUES are payable by cash or cheque to the Club Treasurer.
Social Members are ‘Members in Good Standing‘ giving members voting rights at Annual General Meeting, 1 square for the Annual Reverse Draw, and invitations to Club Social Events and Activities.
Family and Friends are encouraged to become Social Members. Rugby IS Family.

How to Register in 1 Easy Step

1) Register and pay the 2024/2025 Twilighter Rugby Club dues and fees associated with Rugby Canada (& BC Rugby Union) for insurance purposes using the Sportlomo online system using the button link below. REGISTRATION OPENS AUG. 1, 2024