Ray Jung


It all began 40 years ago in Prince Rupert when Ray first stepped onto a rugby pitch. Little did he know that future Twit, Ted Shinbein was already part of that team. During the year and a half that he was with PRRFC, they taught him everything he needed to know. “Kill the person with the ball.” That seem simple enough. Unfortunately, Ray’s rugby career was put on hiatus once he left the rainy city. He had better things to do, like raise a family, find a job, etc. Fast forward 30 years later, Ray’s brother, the prominent psychologist, Dr. Chuck Jung, invited him to join the 2012 Twit tour to Japan. While on tour, everything was great, until Ray broke his nose in the Osaka game. It was then that Dr. Chuck utter those famous words, “Don’t tell mom, what happened!” It was good words to live by. Ray continued to prop for the Twits in his red shorts for the next decade. He claims to be retired and lives on a pension and his meager savings. Ray has not yet started to depend on the kindness of strangers since he still has his brother’s generosity to tap. For the past 4 years, Ray has been the president of the Twilighter RFC. His aspiration is to make it through each term without being impeached.

“Sure hope I don’t run out of quotes”